2024 Fall Speech Contest (CES/Adult Chinese)

GHCS Speech Contest General Guidelines (CES/Adult Chinese)

(Revised on 10/29/2024)

GHCS holds Speech Contest in every Fall semester. Every Chinese Class is required to participate in.

CES/Adult Chinese Teachers Task: Encourage students to participate and bring them to contest location by scheduled time.

Contest Time and Location: 11/10/2024 2 pm to 4 pm. School Office Room 345



All students are welcome to participate in the contest.

CES and Adult Chinese teachers: Please send your participate student name to Jing Zhang via email to: jzhang1003@gmail.com

Contest format: Contest format will be the same with class format – In person class will have contest on site, and virtual class contest will be held online

Judges and Contest Rating: School team members will be the judges for CES and Adult Chinese speech contest. Jing Zhang will inform CES/Adult Chinese teachers the contest Result. See Rating form for the areas we evaluate.

演讲要求(Detailed guidelines for speech )

  1. 主題(Theme): 所见所闻 ,事件或人物均可。Any meaningful topics including evens or characters
  2. 形式 ( Format): 中文演讲形式不限,但必须是个人演讲,不是表演节目,也不应带道 具放背景音乐。学生自己 撰写的演讲稿加3分 。 No Limitation, but must be a personal speech. No Props or background music are allowed. Student Self-Written Speech content will be given 3 extra points.
  3. 时间(Time ): 每个学生的演讲时间应该限制在 3 分钟,不得超过 3.5 分钟,超时减分。 Student’s speech should be limited within 3 minutes, no longer than 3.5 minutes. Speech longer than 3.5 minutes will get a discounted score.