Weekly Newsletter No.6, September 10th, 2021


1. 9 月 12 日开学第一天 / First school day is Sept 12th;

2. 请登录学校账户检查联系电话和电子邮件地址是否需要更新 /Please update contact phone number and email address;

3. 学校预防新冠所采取的措施 / Procedure taken to reduce the spread of covid;

4. 一楼大厅 将设置问讯处 / Info Booth in the hall of 1st floor;

5. 新生请到 New Student Booth 领取光华 T-Shirt 和教材;

6. 欢迎访问光华网站 / Welcome to visit our website;

7. MCCC 提供无线网络 / Public wireless access available in Parkhouse building;

8. 学校提供教室 供学生上网课、自习/ Classrooms designated for student usage;

9. 光华中文学校教室教学的规定 / Rules regarding In-Person Education on Campus;

10. 总统义工奖申请/ Application of Presidential Volunteer Service Award

11. 光华推荐课程介绍:/Recommended Classes • Clay Sculpture for Children • 2021-2022 文化史讲座:欧洲文艺复兴 • 棋牌俱乐部

12. 课程、老师、教室、上课时间列表 / List of Classes, Teachers, Classrooms & Class time


1. 9 月 12 日开学第一天 / First school day is Sept 12th;

光华提供 In Person, Virtual, In Person & Virtual 三种不同的教学方式,请仔细阅读任课 老师来信,了解课程设置,教学要求,教学时间和教室安排。也可参照学校网站。 Guanghua offer three different class modes: In-Person, Virtual, In-Person & Virtual. Please read the welcome letter from the teacher and get familiar with the class setting, timing and classroom No. (if appliable). You can also find the related info from our website. https://www.guanghuachinese.org/joomla3/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=58&Itemid=242

2. 请登录学校账户检查联系电话和电子邮件地址是否需要更新;

作为学校/老师和学生家庭联系的有效渠道,请家长登录学校账户检查联系电话和电 子邮件是否需要更新。 Please log in your school account to update phone number and email address, if necessary. This is important for school to keep efficient communication with students.

3. 学校预防新冠所采取的措施 / Procedure taken to reduce the spread of covid;

• 所有和学生接触的老师/团队成员都已完全接种了疫苗;

• 进入教学楼必需戴口罩;

• 教室内提供消毒液和消毒纸巾 ;

• 生病老师、学生要求请假,居家;

• 办公室备有红外体温计和备用口罩;

• 课前和课后 MCCC 人员将进行全面清洁;

• 使用 Tablet chair, 减少接触

• All teachers and school staff are fully vaccinated;

• Mask required for entering teaching facilities;

• Hand sanitizer and disinfection wipe provided for all classrooms;

• Sick teachers & students MUST not come to school;

• Infrared thermometer & spare masks ready in office;

• Tablet Chair replaced Table & Chairs to reduce contact & maintain safe distance;

• Thorough cleaning service before and after school day;

4. 一楼大厅 将设置问讯处 / Info Booth in the hall of 1st floor;

There will be New Student Booth, Information Desk, Textbook Booth and Tuition Dropoff desk set up in the hall of 1st floor of Parkhouse building. You are welcome to visit us.

5. 新生请到 New Student Booth 领取光华 T-Shirt 和教材;

New students please visit our New Student Booth for Guanghua T-Shirt and textbook.

6. 欢迎访问光华网站 / Welcome to visit our website;

学校网站更新了老师介绍和新课程介绍,方便同学更好地了解课程和老师。 Our school website has been updated with Introduction of new classes and teacher bio’s. Welcome to visit us. https://www.guanghuachinese.org 7. MCCC 提供无线网络 / Public wireless access available in Parkhouse building; Students who need to access virtual classroom can use MCCC Public wireless network. After registration and activation with either SMS code or activation email. You have free access for 24 hours.

8. 学校提供教室 供学生上网课、自习/ Classrooms designated for student usage;

In-person students who needs classroom for additional virtual class, please use the following classrooms;

• 1-1:50pm #316,#331,#334,#338,#340;#345;

• 2-3:50pm #112, #116, #318, #328, #331, #338, #342, #344, #345;

• 4-4:50pm #112 special for Dancing Class Virtual Student; #316, #324, #326, #330, #331, #332, #334, #336, #343, #344

9. 光华中文学校教室教学的规定 / Rules regarding In-Person Education on Campus;

Please read attached School Rule regarding in-Person Education on Campus

10. 总统义工奖申请/ Application of Presidential Volunteer Service Award;

  1. 一年一度申请总统义工奖的时候到了,志愿者请自行填写申请表格(Excel),内容包括:1)姓 名;2)出生日期;3)义工时间区段:4:)义工内容;5)确认老师名字;6)联系电话;7) 电子邮箱。请于 9 月 15 号之前,以电子邮件的方式一并发送给确认老师和负责报批的红霞 老师(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).
  2. Hi! Time to apply for the Presidential Volunteer Award of this year. Volunteers please prepare an application form (Excel),including 1) name; 2) date of birth; 3) volunteer time(starting, Ending), 4) volunteer work; 5) Teacher's name to verify; 6) Contact phone number; 7) Email address. please email to the confirmation teacher and Hongxia (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) who is responsible for the approval. The deadline is September 15th. Thanks.

11. 光华推荐课程介绍 / Recommended Classes

• Clay Sculpture for Children

• 2021-2022 文化史讲座:欧洲文艺复兴

• 棋牌俱乐部 具体课程介绍详见学校网站,Poster / for class detailed info, please visit our website or see attached posters Class Registration Link

12. 课程、老师、教室、上课时间列表 / List of Classes, Teachers, Classrooms & Class time