Weekly Newsletter No.8, September 24th, 2021


1. 倡议:课本捐赠 / Textbook needed for Teaching Assistants;

2. 中国文化传承系列讲座 by 大费城文化中心;

3. 教材订购 / Textbook ordering;

4. 我校蔡陈林老师主持的华埠乐园壁画日活动将于 9 月 26 日进行;

5. 学校提供教室 供学生上网课、自习/ Classrooms designated for student usage;

6. 总统义工奖申请/ Application of Presidential Volunteer Service Award

7. 光华推荐课程介绍:/Recommended Classes • 音乐理论 / Music Theory • Adult Chinese & Chinese Private Class • 棋牌俱乐部

8. 欢迎大家分享光华学子在课内课外所取得的成绩/成就 / Please share the achievements of Guanghua students in and out of class with us. ___________________________________________________________________________

1. 倡议:课本捐赠 / Textbook needed for Teaching Assistants;

如果您有近两年使用过的课本(马力平,美洲华语,朗朗),保存良好,不再使用, 请捐赠给学校。书本将提供给光华助教以便更好地工作。请在周日将捐赠的教材和作 业本交到 345 教室。谢谢。 If you have used textbooks (Ma Liping, Mei Zhou Hua Yu, Lang Lang) printed during the past two years, which are in good condition and are no longer needed, please donate them to the school. The books will be provided to Guanghua Teaching Assistants to help their work. Please send in the donated textbooks to classroom 345 in Sunday. Thanks.

2. 中国文化传承系列讲座 by 大费城文化中心;

大费城文化中心的中国文化传承系列讲座开始实体课(In Person)了, 我们还是先从剪纸 艺术开始。剪纸是中国非物质文化遗产之一,一把剪刀,一张彩纸,就可以创造出各种各样令人喜爱的艺术作品,我们的这一系列剪纸课程将由栾维琴老师带领大家进入 这个美的艺术境界,创造您自己的剪纸作品,您可以去中文学校网站 (www.guanghuachinese.org)注册报名, 
上课时间:一个月一次,每个月的第一个周五,学费:$40/人 第一次上课时间:2021 年 10 月 1 日晚 7:30-8:30 地点:文化中心, 房间 25,653 West Skippack pike, Blue Bell PA 19422 年龄组:7 岁-99 岁 

3. 教材订购 / Textbook ordering;

亲爱的老师们同学们和家长们好!学校已经开学两个星期了。相信大多数的学生都买 到了自己选择的中文课本,为了更好的为大家服务,学校规定下个月开始,每个月的 第一个星期日零售中文书。 (请打电话预约. )267-864-6854
地址:中文学校办公室 room 345 。
本月零售书的时间 12:40 pm-3:00pm.
您有问题请联系@ 栾维芹 、微信号(一万年)
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

4. 我校蔡陈林老师主持的华埠乐园壁画日活动将于 9 月 26 日进行;

以天为背景; 以地为画布


现场提供绘画用品;欢迎参加,详见 Poster;

5. 学校提供教室 供学生上网课、自习/ Classrooms designated for student usage; In-person students who needs classroom for additional virtual class, please use the following classrooms;

• 1-1:50pm #316,#334,#338,#342;#343;

• 2-3:50pm #116, #318, #328, #331, #338, #342, #344, #345;

• 4-4:50pm #330 special for Dancing Class Virtual Student; #316, #324, #326, #330, #331, #332, #334, #336, #343, #344

6. 总统义工奖申请/ Application of Presidential Volunteer Service Award;

一年一度申请总统义工奖的时候到了,志愿者请自行填写申请表格(Excel),内容包括:1)姓 名;2)出生日期;3)义工时间区段:4:)义工内容;5)确认老师名字;6)联系电话;7) 电子邮箱。请于 9 月 15 号之前,以电子邮件的方式一并发送给确认老师和负责报批的红霞 老师(This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Hi! Time to apply for the Presidential Volunteer Award of this year. Volunteers please prepare an application form (Excel),including 1) name; 2) date of birth; 3) volunteer time(starting, Ending), 4) volunteer work; 5) Teacher's name to verify; 6) Contact phone number; 7) Email address. please email to the confirmation teacher and Hongxia (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) who is responsible for the approval. The deadline is September 15th. Thanks.

7. 光华推荐课程介绍 / Recommended Classes

• 音乐理论 / Music Theory

• Adult Chinese & Chinese Private Class

• 棋牌俱乐部

具体课程介绍详见学校网站,Poster / for class detailed info, please visit our website or see attached posters Class Registration Link

8. 欢迎大家分享光华学子在课内课外所取得的成绩

/ Please share the achievements of Guanghua students in and out of class with us. 光华藏龙卧虎,许多孩子都是多才多艺,在各方面均衡发展。我们很乐意分享我们光 华学子所取得的成绩/成就,为他/她们欢呼喝彩。欢迎家长和我们分享孩子们在课内 课外所取得的进展/成绩/成就。请将相关信息/照片/多媒体链接发送到 This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.。让我们一起来分享他们的快乐。

Many of our students are talented and have balanced development in both curricular and extracurricular activities. We would be more than happy to hear their story and celebrate their achievements. Parents are welcome to share with us their progress/achievements of their children in and out of class. Please send relevant information/photos/multimedia links to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Let us cheer for them.