• P1 Chinese Class.jpg
  • P2 Dancing.jpg
  • P3 Math.jpg
  • P4 Dance Yoga small.jpg
  • P5 Art _ Crafts1.jpg
  • P6 basketball poster.jpg
  • P7 Badminton Poster.jpg
  • P8 2D 3D design.jpg
  • P9 chess.jpg
  • P10 He Fen Yoga class small.jpg
  • P11 杨聃-光华素描.jpg
  • P12 posterADC.jpg
  • P13 Performing Art.jpg
  • P14 San guo.jpg

Weekly Briefing: 

  1. Happy New Year! School operates at normal schedule on this Sunday, January 10/2021.  新年快乐。本周日(1/10/2021),学校正常上课; 
  2. 光华华人协会理事会第二届换届选举圆满结束;/ 2nd Guanghua Board Election results; 
  1. 2021网络春晚计划于2月13日举行;/2021 online Gala for Chinese New Year scheduled for Feb 13, stay tuned; 4. 1/16 疫情生活,我有“画”说,画画比赛; 
  1. 1/14 家庭金融规划讲座; 
  2. Introduction of a New book by New York Times bestselling author Livia Blackburne; 

  1. Happy New Year! School operates at normal schedule on this Sunday, Jan 10/2021. 新年快乐. 本周日(1/10/2021), 学校正常上课; 
  2. 光华华人协会理事会第二届换届选举圆满结束/ 2nd Guanghua Board Election results; 

经过光华学校中文班老师和家长对光华华人协会理事会换届候选人的集体评议,并以 邮寄方式完成无记名投票。2020年12月19日上午在大费城华人文化中心以Zoom网络 直播方式,理事会选举工作组进行了现场公开点票、集体监票、唱票、选票展示、计 票等过程。本次参与投票为31个班级,收到有效选票为30张。选举了产生赵毅先生为 理事长,以及沈桓先生、施琰先生、徐扬女士及周盈颖女士为理事。恭喜上述各位均 以高票当选!光华华人协会理事会将于今年二月光华网络春晚时举行正式交接仪式, 新一届理事会将继续协助光华团队完善光华的管理,会使各项工作步入正轨,预示光 华的未来更加美好! 

  1. 2021网络春晚计划于2月13日举行; 

/2021 online Gala for Chinese New Year scheduled for Feb 13, stay tuned; 虽然疫情依然,但我们仍然相信2021会更好。学校正在筹办2021网络春晚,详情随后 推出。 

  1. 1/16 疫情生活,我有“画”说,画画比赛; 

大费城华人文华中心将于元月份举行一场《疫情生活-我有“画”说》的活动。活动 内容有画画比赛,和讨论和分享疫情生活给我们带来影响等,欢迎大家踊跃报名。画 画比赛分成人组和少儿组,比赛前三名有奖金等大家拿哟! 


地点:Zoom (Zoom Meeting ID: 344 405 9068) 

参赛作品,请预先发至邮箱:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.(作品提交截止日期为2021 年1月15日,每人限报两件作品) 


  1. 1/14 家庭金融规划讲座; 

时间:1/14/2021,晚上 9 点 

Zoom ID: 450 303 2919 

Passcode: 2020 

详情请参见 Post; 

  1. Introduction of a New book by New York Times bestselling author Livia Blackburne; I Dream of Popo is a new picture book from New York Times bestselling author Livia  Blackburne and illustrator Julia Kuo. The story centers around a young girl who moves to  California from Taiwan and her relationship with the grandmother she leaves behind. The  book's author, illustrator, and editor are all Chinese American, and they hope that Chinese  American children across the country will see themselves reflected in the story, and that  the book will serve to preserve and honor their Chinese heritage. Publisher’s Weekly and  Kirkus magazine have both given I Dream of Popo starred reviews, which they reserve for  books of exceptional merit.  

The illustrator and author talk about the inspiration behind the book in this video.  https://smarturl.it/popotrailer 

To celebrate the book launch, there will be a Zoom panel hosted by Once Upon a Time  Bookstore on January 10, 2021, where Blackburne and Kuo will discuss the immigrant  experience, the nuances of growing up between two worlds, and the effects of linguistic  

and geographic distance on family relationships. Anyone interested in attending can  register at this link. https://www.shoponceuponatime.com/event/i-dream-of-popo 

Guanghua Chinese School
