• P1 Chinese Class.jpg
  • P2 Dancing.jpg
  • P3 Math.jpg
  • P4 Dance Yoga small.jpg
  • P5 Art _ Crafts1.jpg
  • P6 basketball poster.jpg
  • P7 Badminton Poster.jpg
  • P8 2D 3D design.jpg
  • P9 chess.jpg
  • P10 He Fen Yoga class small.jpg
  • P11 杨聃-光华素描.jpg
  • P12 posterADC.jpg
  • P13 Performing Art.jpg
  • P14 San guo.jpg

Updates: 1. Early registration is open until August 27, to waive registration fee; 2. 设立光华奖学金Guanghua Scholarship通知; 3. 新增课程/New classes; 

  • 丙烯画课 
  • Crafting class/手工课 
  • 电玩设计/Electronic Game Design: Platform Games (For Ages 8 to 14 years) 
  • 3D打印/3D Printing: Minecraft Creations (For Ages 8 to 14 years) 
  • History of Chinese Culture Seminars 
  • SAT Math 
  • SAT Reading/Writing 4. 光华摄影讲座系列; 5. 讲座:Introduction to AMC/美国奥数简介及 Q&A; 6. 新老师介绍/Introduction of new teachers(排名不分先后) 
  • 张小波 
  • 李 岩(Lilian Li) 
  • 张 月 
  • 陈 卉 
  • 缪秀华 
  • 罗子安/Daniel Luo 
  • Selina Lin 
  • Daniel Li 
  • Martin Zhang 
  • Eric Wang 
  • Allison Liao


1. Early registration is open until August 27

2. 设立光华奖学金通知

经董事会批准,学校设立光华奖学金/Guanghua Scholarship; 光华奖学金为学校最高荣誉,在光华学习满 5 年,成绩优秀的应届 9 年级毕业生可 于每年 4 月向学校申请。光华奖学金将于当年毕业典礼发放。 

  1. 新增课程/New classes;

a) 丙烯画课 周日 17:00 – 17:50 

授课老师: 缪秀华 缪老师毕业于清华大学美术学院(原中央工艺美术学院),在美国就学于加州西谷大学 美术系,曾多年从事时装设计和平面美术设计。2006年她开始致力于美术教育,如今已 有十余年的教学经验,她的教学方法和教学态度得到了许多学生和家长的认可及好评。 

缪老师教学溶东西方教学理念于一体,在传授材料的应用与技法的同时,尽量鼓励和支 持每个学生自己的风格和视觉表达,并指导学生们创作自己的艺术,学生们学会相信自 己的创造力并且用一切皆可能的视角看待这个世界。 缪老师的教课内容包括:绘画、素描、水彩、丙烯、油画等。

b) Crafting class/手工课 周日 17:00 – 17:50pm

授课老师: 陈卉 

Hui Chen received her degree in accounting. She grew up in a family with a strong passion for art. She has been teaching children arts and crafts for 4 years now. 

Hui Chen’s teaching philosophy is to encourage students to put their own creative spin on the projects and allow everyone to display their individual imagination through their work. Our class will utilize a wide variety of materials and will provide students with a diverse learning experience. Because of the online format, the class will be focused on projects that primarily use readily available household materials such as paper towel rolls, egg cartons, cereal boxes, water bottles, etc.

c) 电玩设计/Electronic Game Design: Platform Games (For Ages 8 to 14 years) 

During the Electronic Game Design: Platform classes, students will use Construct to create their own video game. A platform game is a side-scrolling, Mario-type game where students program characters and a two-dimensional obstacle course. They attempt to avoid or overcome enemies and reach an end goal on multiple levels. At the end of the class, students take home a copy of the game they create. Class time: Monday, 4:00 to 5:30 PM and 6:00 to 7:30 pm 

Sept 14, 21, Oct 5, 12, 19, 26 (6 weeks) Class limit: 8-12 students 

(Including Revenue Share)

d) 3D打印/3D Printing: Minecraft Creations (For Ages 8 to 14 years) 

3D printing and Minecraft both represent boundless opportunity for creating even our wildest of ideas! In 3D Printing: Minecraft Creations, students will explore the basic concepts of 3D printing and computer-aided design, or CAD, to bring their most awesome Minecraft creation to life! Students will take their Minecraft design out of the world of Minecraft and learn how to extrude it into a 3D model that can then be modified to be printed in 3D. Class time: Saturday 4:30 to 6:00 PM and 6:30 to 8:00 pm Sep 19, 26, Oct 3, 10, 17, 24 (6 Weeks) (Including Revenue Share) Class limit: 8-12 students

e) History of Chinese Culture Seminars 

History of Chinese Culture Seminars Series: Speaker Yue Zhang will try to explain the history of Chinese Culture in three dimensions (the thickness of the culture itself, the vertical depth 

of historical changes, and the horizontal breadth of culture comparison), understanding the history from both Chinese culture and Western Culture. 中国文化史系列讲座:这一系列讲座将尝试在三度空间讲解中国文化(文化自身的厚 度,历史变迁的纵向深度,以及多文化比较的横向广度),用东西方两只眼睛同时观看 中国文化。

f) SAT Math 

In this class, students will be taught math topics in algebra, geometry, statistics, and pre calculus in order to prepare for both the math with and without calculator sections on the SAT. They will be given multiple practice problems in class and learn strategies to complete the section with both accuracy and speed. In addition to reviewing the concepts, the class will discuss strategies for solving typical SAT questions.

g) SAT Reading/Writing 

The SAT test is very important for applying to college in the USA. Although colleges increasingly consider other aspects of the college application, raising your SAT score will make you a contender for the highest tier colleges. Schools that claim to be “test-optional” will still accept SAT scores and a better score will improve your chances over someone with a lower score or no score at all. The SAT is split into two sections: the math section and the Reading and Writing section. Generally, the reading and writing section is more difficult to improve, but this class will provide you with the skills you need to succeed on this difficult part of the test. For the reading section, we will examine specific types of tricky test questions and how they can be easily solved, methods to approach analyzing dense texts, and how to deal with managing time on the test. For the writing section, we will review and teach grammatical concepts like punctuation and sentence structure, understand the types of questions that are presented on the test, and introduce common test ideas like concise wording, repetition, and sentence order. This class will use real SAT practice tests and other reputable practice material to give you a familiarity with the testing material.

4. 光华摄影讲座系列

光华摄影讲座系列之二 -《鹤之旅》 特邀:著名自由摄影大师梅慈敏女士 时间: 2020.08.21 周五 7:30 - 9:30pm 介绍: https://b.xiumi.us/stage/v5/3Dr6p/229216001#/ Guanghua is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/2159176902?pwd=bUo1OHBwK3V2enhZMmdETitWU0liQT09 Zoom Meeting ID: 215 917 6902 Passcode: 867618

5. 讲座:Introduction to AMC/美国奥数简介及 Q&A 


内容:晁阳老师结合她在光华开设的两门课,AMC8 和AMC10,介绍American Math 

Competition (AMC).的流程,题目类型,参加的利弊以及如何准备。并回答大家的 问题。欢迎对数学课外学习有兴趣的学生和家长们参加。 主讲人简介:晁阳,中学就读于北大附中和北京四中,本科毕业于北京大学物理 

系。中学时期曾多次参加各类数学竞赛(包括美国数学竞赛AMC和AIME) 并取得 优异成绩。 时间: 8月24日晚 7:30 - 8:30 pm 

Join Zoom Meeting https://us04web.zoom.us/j/845388366?pwd=VUNNcUQ3bi9aRnptQkZXWjhmZDN0UT09

Meeting ID: 845 388 366; Password: 146466

6. Introduction of new teachers 


张小波; 张小波老师在国内期间主要从事会计工作,非常注重与相关部门的沟通与协作, 发现问题及时反映及解决,与同事友好相处。 张小波老师对待工作,善解人意,充满爱心,耐心倾听,并非常愿意共同解决问 题,喜欢与小朋友分享知识,看到他们的点点滴滴的进步感到非常有成就感。 张小波老师愿意奉献爱心,为传承中国文化尽自己微薄之力 

李 岩/Lilian Li; 李岩老师出生于知识分子家庭,出国前一直在北京生活工作,发音非常标准,没 有任何地方口音。 李岩老师热爱中文、文学、热爱祖国传统文化。在7岁时就代表学校为地方电视 台配音。从小学到大学,多次代表学校参加市级作文竞赛、朗诵比赛等多次获 奖。文笔好,喜爱阅读。 李岩老师大学专业是文学语言类,擅长生动形象地讲解字和词的来源构造,让学 生经过积累学会举一反三、融会贯通,而不是死记硬背。擅长循循善诱,培养鼓 励孩子的自信和兴趣。帮助孩子在听说读写各方面进行全面发展、提高。 李岩立言对待工作认真、热情和富有耐心。 

张 月; Yue Zhang is with Doctor Degree of Physics. He has been working on data analysis, medical imagine processing, and science software development. In addition, Yue Zhang loves history, music, and Chinese and Western Cultures. He loves German and Austrian Art songs, Ancient Chinese Songs, and religious chorus. He was the speaker for several seminars held in Greater Philadelphia Chinese Cultural Center, including 《姜白石的自 度曲》,《牡丹亭和昆曲六百年》,etc. 

陈 卉; Hui Chen received her degree in accounting. She grew up in a family with a strong passion for art. She has been teaching children arts and crafts for 4 years now. Hui Chen’s teaching philosophy is to encourage students to put their own creative spin on the projects and allow everyone to display their individual imagination through their work. Our class will utilize a wide variety of materials and will provide students with a diverse learning experience. Because of the online format, the class will be focused on projects that primarily use readily available household materials such as paper towel rolls, egg cartons, cereal boxes, water bottles, etc. 

缪秀华; 缪老师毕业于清华大学美术学院(原中央工艺美术学院),在美国就学于加州西 谷大学美术系,曾多年从事时装设计和平面美术设计。2006年她开始致力于美术 教育,如今已有十余年的教学经验,她的教学方法和教学态度得到了许多学生和 家长的认可及好评。 缪老师教学溶东西方教学理念于一体,在传授材料的应用与技法的同时,尽量鼓 励和支持每个学生自己的风格和视觉表达,并指导学生们创作自己的艺术,学生 们学会相信自己的创造力并且用一切皆可能的视角看待这个世界。 缪老师的教课内容包括:绘画、素描、水彩、丙烯、油画等。 

罗子安/Daniel Luo is a rising 11th grade high school student of Upper Dublin High School. He took Chinese AP class in 2018 and got 5 on his AP exam. Daniel was also a teaching assistant for the class of CML. He answers students questions and substitutes for the teacher if teacher is absent. He worked in Franklin Institute and answered questions and provided more in depth information about the topics in the exhibits. He loves teaching with his warm heart. He will be the teacher for CES3A. 

Selina Lin is a rising junior at Lower Moreland High School. She has participated in various clubs and activities at her school, and she has been in many different positions where public speaking skills come in handy. She first learned about how to debate in middle school and has since then experienced debate in many different settings, from informal classroom debates in middle school to competitive policy debates in high school. As an active member of her school’s mock trial team, a secretary in her school’s student government, and a captain of her school’s Mini-THON, she understands the importance of being an example for others and hopes to help her students build character, develop leadership skills, and gain confidence about public speaking and debating in this class. 

Daniel Li is a rising sophomore at Julia R. Masterman School. He is an active member of the math club, robotics team and student government. He enjoys teaching chess at GuangHua Chinese School. He has been involved with MathCounts since elementary school and started participating in MathCounts competitions in 6th grade. In 2019, he placed first at the Philadelphia Chapter Competition and top 25 at the Pennsylvania State Competition. He wants to share his passion for math with other kids and help them prepare for MathCounts competitions. 

Martin Zhang was born, raised, and finished up to 2nd grade education in China, so he is familiar with many of our cultural traditions, festivities, and methods of celebrations. Martin Zhang is fluent in speaking and listening of Chinese. He also is good at basic Chinese writing skill. Martin Zhang is very good at Hanyu Pinyin. Martin was a student teacher for Tennis when he was in high school. Martin Zhang will be teaching CES 4. 

Eric Wang is a junior at North Penn High School. Despite his age, he has already self-studied for and taken the SAT, scoring a 1580 out of 1600 with a 780 on the Reading and Writing section. He has individually tutored other students on the SAT. Outside of the SAT, Eric is a voracious reader and an exceptional writer. He has won a scholarship from the Philadelphia Inquirer for writing an exceptional news article. He has also won a regional-level essay contest focusing on Christopher Columbus and American history. He has maintained an online profile on Quora, a large writing platform, for three years; he has over 9,000 followers and 14 million total views. Eric is a club officer in his school’s Model UN and Chinese Cultural Club and is a representative for the Student Government Organization. He is also a pianist who plays both classical and jazz styles and has won awards for his school’s jazz band. Eric loves working hard and being with his friends. 

Allison Liao is currently a junior at Harriton High School. She has taken all honors and AP courses and has received all As. Math is one of her favorite subjects. Over the past summers, she took a math course at The University of Michigan's Math and Science Scholars program as well as an SAT program at Y2 Academy. She has taken Algebra 2 honors and Pre Calculus honors in her freshman and sophomore year respectively. This year she is enrolled in AP Calculus BC. At school she participates in many after school activities including Harriton Science Olympiad, math club, and the varsity tennis team. 

Guanghua Chinese School 
